The North Star State has a national championship-winning team without a name.
PWHL Minnesota won the Walter Cup with a 3-0 win over Boston on Wednesday night, prompting an end-of-week celebration in St. Paul and once again raising the question: What are we going to call our newly minted champions?
All six of the Professional Women’s Hockey League’s inaugural teams hit the ice with nothing to decorate a banner save for the names of their host cities and official colors. (Minnesota’s are purple, black and white.)
League officials said official monikers and logos will likely come sometime in August.
A few Star Tribune staffers got restless, so we’re offering our suggestions. Here are 10 of the best from our brainstorming session. If you have one to add, send it to
10. Laser Loons
Look, we know there’s already a pro team in town named after Minnesota’s state bird. But until someone finds a way to play soccer on the ice, we’re probably OK on this one.
9. North Stars
Dallas has taken so much from us. It’s only fair we take something back. (Besides, we had it first.) This throwback and rebrand wouldn’t even require PWHL Minnesota to adopt new team colors. A white star on royal purple uniforms would look phenomenal.

8. Ope
Don’t mind ‘em — they’re just gonna skate right past ya there. As for the mascot, why not a wood-paneled station wagon. And instead of defense, the crowd can chant “hot dish.” I’ll see myself out ...