Greg Heacox was an old-fashioned, self-deprecating lawyer who never held a grudge once the dust settled, according to attorneys and judges who knew him.
Ranked by his peers as one of the top workers' compensation attorneys in the nation, he didn't brag about himself and his victories.
Heacox, 62, of Stillwater, died May 15.
He was named the 2012 Minneapolis Lawyer of the Year in workers' compensation defense, as well as one of the Best Lawyers in America from 1995 until his death. A 1977 magna cum laude graduate of William Mitchell College of Law, he was listed as a "Super Lawyer" in the journal Minnesota Law & Politics.
"Greg never trumpeted his prowess as a lawyer," said Rod Cosgriff, who along with Heacox and four others founded their small St. Paul law firm in 1996. "In fact, if you listened to him tell it, he never won a case. I cannot recall once in 17 years as one of his partners that Greg ever mentioned one of his wins."
He knew the security guards in his St. Peter Street building by name — and would inquire often how their kids were doing. He knew the janitor, too, friends said.
"Greg was an outstanding attorney and advocate for his clients and well respected by the workers' compensation bench and bar," statewide Compensation Judge Kathleen Behounek said.
"But outside the formal courtroom, he was personable and it was easy to see his passion for his family, especially in following his kids and their sports."