Twin Cities restaurateur John Rimarcik has another big-deal project on his plate, but it has nothing to do with the food. On Tuesday, representatives for his company will present plans to the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission to convert one of the last vacant warehouse buildings in the North Loop into offices.
If approved, Rimarcik will convert the four-story Lakeland Floral building at 21 N. 3rd St. into offices and commercial space.
The conversion would be far from ordinary, said JoAnna Hicks, a principal and CEO at Minneapolis-based Element Commercial Real Estate, which would serve as the development consultant and handle leasing.
Because the building was once flanked by other structures that have since been demolished, it has several large light wells and skylights that will be restored and adapted to help funnel light into interior spaces. Large storefront windows that have been filled in with brick and glass block will be restored. And a roof deck will be added for building tenants. Two adjacent surface parking lots will remain for tenants' use.
Hicks said she hasn't started marketing the space yet, but she has received interest from nearly a half dozen prospective tenants.
"This is perfect for established firms that are looking for a creative environment with a connection to energy of North Loop and Warehouse District, but still have a strong presence and an ability to create their own atmosphere," she said. "It's an incredibly dramatic space and a cool opportunity to create a beautiful office environment."
Minneapolis-based Adsit Architecture and Planning would serve as architect and historical consultant on the project.
The building was previously known as the Lakeland Building and was named to the National Register of Historic Places in 1989, but for many years it has been known by the name of a previous tenant, Lakeland Florist Supply Co.