Old Log Theatre's 'Beehive' celebrates female musical heroes of the 1960s

Hairstyles still spell empowerment today but they had a heyday in the 1960s, when Afros and long hair ruled. This jukebox revue celebrates female empowerment through songs made famous by the Supremes, Tina Turner, Janis Joplin and other icons. The numbers include "It's My Party," "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow," "You Don't Own Me" and "Natural Woman," all expressing different facets of the cultural awakening during an era marked by civil rights protests, flower power and miniskirts. Seven young women deliver the numbers in this show, compiled by Larry Gallagher. Kent Knutson directs. (Previews 7:30 p.m. Fri., opens 7:30 p.m. Sat.; 2 p.m. Sun.; 1:30 p.m. Wed.; 7:30 p.m. Thu. Ends Oct. 13. Old Log Theatre, 5185 Meadville St., Greenwood. $30-$40. 952-474-5951 or oldlog.com.)
Rohan Preston