Gov. Tim Walz and state leaders on Wednesday urged new strategies to protect Minnesotans and agricultural producers from H5N1, an influenza strain that has spread rapidly in the U.S. among wild and domestic birds and dairy farms over the past three years.
The highly infectious bird flu variant was most recently found in turkey farms in Dakota and Wadena counties in January, and earlier this month in a dairy farm in Stearns County as a result of the state’s new milk surveillance program.
The prevalence of the virus is low statewide: 1,600 dairy farms were checked and only one tested positive. But state Agricultural Commissioner Thom Petersen said that is likely a short-term reprieve, as H5N1 bird flu could gain a foothold in the state this spring as migrating birds carry the virus north.
“We’re watching the migration very closely,” Petersen said. “I live on a river, and my anxiety level goes very high when I see the geese and the swans and everything that are returning at this time.”
H5N1 bird flu can pass from birds to cattle, to other animals or to humans, but there are no confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission. In December, researchers reported a genetic mutation could make the bovine form potentially transmissible among humans.
Walz said Wednesday he has bipartisan support from lawmakers for a $4 million budget proposal to replenish an emergency fund that provides personnel and equipment to prevent or contain H5N1 outbreaks among animals.
State leaders assured Minnesotans that the presence of H5N1 does not threaten the food supply.
“Routine surveillance has not found any danger to the public in pasteurized milk and properly cooked meat,” Petersen said.