Daunte Wright's mother tearfully described his final moments to a jury as the first prosecution witness in ex-Brooklyn Center police officer Kimberly Potter's manslaughter trial Wednesday.
Katie Bryant began her testimony telling the jury about her son's love of basketball, his work history in retail and how he enrolled in a trades school to possibly learn to be a carpenter.
She described her son as "a jokester. He liked to make everybody laugh. He had a smile that would light up the room. He was my son."
She testified how he was a doting father to his son Daunte Jr., who just turned 2.
Court adjourned about 4:50 p.m. and was scheduled to resume Thursday morning with additional prosecution witnesses.
Under questioning from prosecutor Erin Eldridge, she explained how the car, which was registered to Wright's older brother Dallas, had been given to Wright a couple weeks earlier. She spoke of the day Wright asked for $50 for gas and to get the car washed, then left. He later called her through Facebook messenger when he was pulled over. She told him to hand the phone to the officer so she could explain the insurance situation.
"I heard the police officer come up to the vehicle and ask him to step out and Daunte said, 'For what, am I in trouble?'" she recounted. She heard the officer tell Wright to put the phone down, and then sounds of a struggle, including someone saying, "Don't run," and Wright saying "I'm not," before the phone disconnected. She tried calling back four or five times, then called via FaceTime, when a young woman answered the phone.
"She was screaming and I said, 'What's wrong?' And she said, 'They shot him,' and she faced the phone toward the driver's seat and my son was laying there, he was unresponsive and he looked dead."