More Opinion

Stephen Marche
June 26
"My son’s generation has a vastly superior approach to slang. They’ve devised a language that responds to the new and distinct reality they face,"

Today's teenagers have invented a language that captures the world perfectly

Our kids' lingo is not only better than any we used, it's a useful window into the way they think.
June 25
Cook, Minn., is under water after the nearby Little Fork River crested following 5 inches of rain.

Step up at state, federal levels for flood relief

Minnesota has a long, honorable tradition of helping disaster-stricken communities.
June 25
A protester demonstrates in front of the Supreme Court on June 21 in support of a law that prevents people who are subject to a restraining order for

Readers Write: Supreme Court gun cases, Lino Lakes development, underage drinking, police contract

In reluctant agreement with Clarence Thomas.
Kali Pliego
June 25
President Joe Biden, with Congressional and border community members behind him, hosts a 12-year-anniversary event for Deferred Action for Childhood A

Thanks, President Biden, for helping mixed-immigration-status families like mine

The chronic stress of knowing Papi could be deported at any time has affected every part of our lives.
June 25
Editorial cartoon: Guy Parsons on pollution

Editorial cartoon: Guy Parsons on pollution

Whitney Hatch
June 25
The kids online safety act is "a common-sense bill that, in its current form, requires tech companies to design algorithms that don’t promote eating

Kids online safety act: How democracy is supposed to work

Congress worked across the aisle on a bill to protect young people online. Now pass it.
Stephen L. Carter
June 25

Crime labs are drowning in work. That hurts us all.

Forcing forensic analysts to testify in court can lead to mistakes and shortcuts in the lab.
Amanda C. Maltry
June 24
"The Minnesota House was wise to stop unrestricted prescribing of risky medications by optometrists," the writer says.

Editorial counterpoint: Minnesota House was right to protect eye-care standards

The legislation expanding the role of optometrists is likely to be back next year. There's more people should know about the debate.
Sara Langer
June 24
"It is hard for me to reconcile the withdrawal of water for out-of-state commercial purposes (sale to Walmart and Costco) when people living in the ea

Counterpoint: Protection of natural resources need citizens' boards

The MPCA once had one; the DNR never has. Both could use that kind of oversight.
June 24
Donald Trump and Joe Biden participate in a presidential debate on Sept. 29, 2020, in Cleveland.

Readers Write: Presidential debate questions, doping tests, aging candidates

Expecting the worst for this debate.
June 24
Editorial cartoon: Rick McKee on debate prep

Editorial cartoon: Rick McKee on debate prep

June 24
People gather for a prayer gathering supporting Israel on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota on May 3 as pro-Palestinian counterpro

Complications at U's Holocaust Center

The administration was right to intervene — albeit painfully — in the search for a director.
Jill Burcum
June 24
According to the National Weather Service: "Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stal

Trust me, you don't want to know what a floating car feels like

You can get into trouble in matter of minutes, maybe even seconds, on a flooded road.
Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld
June 24
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Phoenix on June 6.

I know what America's leading CEOs really think about Trump

If you just follow the money, you can see he has few fans in corporate America.
Paul Krugman
June 23
"High tariffs would reduce imports, so tariff rates would have to go even higher to realize the same amount of revenue, which would reduce imports eve

Tariffs instead of an income tax?

That idea — which Trump floated — would be a highly unpopular policy if voters understood it.

Opinion Exchange

The Opinion section is an exchange of ideas produced by the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.