Not since Minnesota's same-sex marriage debates of 2012-13 has Star Tribune Opinion seen an outpouring of commentary like that on this year's city charter amendments, especially Question 2 in Minneapolis, which would remove the Police Department from the charter and establish a new Public Safety Department in its place.
Here is a sampling of views we've carried, with excerpts. All these and more are available at
Minneapolis Question 1 ("strong mayor")
"The executive-mayor amendment must pass," by Jay Kiedrowski, professor and former city budget director, Aug. 4: "Minneapolis city government ... lacks clear and responsive direction. … The mayor represents all Minneapolis citizens but has responsibility with little management authority. … Who is in charge? We need to align responsibility with management authority."
" 'Strong mayor' amendment is the one that matters," by Stephen Bubul, a Minneapolis attorney, Sept. 15: "City Question 1 would finally, clearly state that the mayor is the city's chief executive, charged with administering city business, while the council is the city's legislative body, charged with, well, legislating — enacting ordinances, defining city services, setting the tax levy, approving the budget and similar matters."
" 'Strong mayor' plan mainly strengthens white elite," by Lynnell Mickelsen, Minneapolis writer, Oct. 7: "I think the strong mayor amendment is the most radical, dangerous thing on the ballot. It would take power and representation away from poorer neighborhoods, from people of color and younger people, and give even more power to affluent older, white voters — all in the supposed cause of good government."
"The mayor already has huge power," by Elizabeth Glidden, Robert Lilligren and Peter Wagenius, former Minneapolis officials, Oct. 27: "[A] drastic wholesale power shift advanced by allies of one elected official to reduce power of other elected officials is not a solution to real problems. It's a symptom of those problems."
Minneapolis Question 2 (public safety)