Optimism for the farm bill — and for the influence of the Minnesota delegation

An overarching theme is bipartisanship.

By Dan Glessing

April 9, 2023 at 11:00PM
Farm fields were full of corn and soy bean plants, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2022, Morgan, Minn. (Glen Stubbe, Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

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Recently I had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C., with a group of Minnesota Farm Bureau members to meet with elected officials as farm bill discussions get underway. The farm bill is a piece of legislation that at its core provides food security for everyone in our country through programming like nutrition assistance, crop insurance and conservation practices.

With the next farm bill expected to be renewed in 2023, our elected officials in D.C. can shape the future of our agricultural industry. After conversations with the Minnesota congressional delegation, we were able to see firsthand the influential position they hold in the decisionmaking process of this legislation. With this spread of knowledge and experience on both sides of the aisle, Minnesotans of all backgrounds can be assured that our state is in a great position to make sure our nation's food supply from the field to the table will be secure for years to come.

One overarching theme continually arose throughout our meetings, and that was the bipartisan nature of this bill. Both sides of the aisle are willing to reach out and work together to get this bill reauthorized. Great discussions around addressing food insecurity and the health of our growing population by providing nutritious food is a priority, and will continue to be a focus to make this bill well-rounded.

Individually, both Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sen. Tina Smith sit on the Senate Agriculture Committee, leading farm bill conversations. Minnesota is one of two states (along with Iowa) with both senators serving on the committee. Klobuchar is the third-most-senior member on the committee, bringing her commitment and expertise on agriculture issues to the remainder of the committee members. Smith also serves as chair of the Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management and Trade, where she advocates for strong crop insurance and commodity programs that support farmers in uncertain markets, along with promoting our state's strong agriculture export market and potential.

On the congressional side, both Rep. Angie Craig and Rep. Brad Finstad are members of the committee, giving our state a voice on both sides of the aisle. As a historically bipartisan bill, it's exciting to be one of a handful of states that has representation from both parties.

Craig showcased her dedication to agriculture in Minnesota when she applied for a waiver to remain on the House Agriculture Committee. She also holds positions in the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit, Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management and Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture.

In his first full term, Finstad holds roles within three House Agriculture Committee subcommittees, including serving as chairman of the Nutrition, Foreign Agriculture and Horticulture Subcommittee.

The breadth of Minnesota's experience across a variety of top-tier committees positions our leaders to be influential in different ways as the farm bill moves through the approval process. House Majority Whip Tom Emmer is in a position to help secure the votes necessary to pass legislation. His position also makes him a respected leader among his peers, where he can vocalize the importance of the legislation and its impact on agriculture.

Coming from a top-10 agriculture district in the country, Rep. Michelle Fischbach brings that background to conversations as the farm bill passes through her Rules, Ways and Means, and Budget committees.

Rep. Pete Stauber holds the gavel in the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee of the House Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Rural Development Subcommittee in the House Committee on Small Business.

Rep. Dean Phillips is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Small Business Committee; Rep. Betty McCollum sits on the Appropriations Committee, and Rep. Ilhan Omar serves on the Budget Committee. Our state is truly in a great position to step up to the plate and pass legislation in a variety of ways.

As discussions continue, the experience and expertise our Minnesota delegation holds from a variety of viewpoints will be critical in shaping and passing legislation that fortifies America's food security, while also setting up the future success of farmers and ranchers across the country.

Dan Glessing, of Waverly, Minn., is a dairy farmer and president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau.

about the writer

Dan Glessing