Election season has clearly arrived in Orono as the city prepares for its first contested mayor’s race in eight years.
It comes with everything you might expect: Flyers with bold claims landing in residents’ mailboxes. Yard signs dotting the roadside on the drive along Lake Minnetonka. But the race for the small city mayor’s post is also garnering tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations as residents debate contentious issues like the future of their fire department and how officials should behave.
The divisions on display are “a mirroring copy of the national picture, and I am heartbroken about it,” said former Mayor Gabriel Jabbour, who has been critical of the administration of Mayor Dennis Walsh but says he’s excited about the challenger.
Former Orono school board chair Bob Tunheim, an attorney, filed last month to run against Walsh, whose tenure has been passionately debated. Both candidates are pitching themselves as leaders who will value civility, be responsible stewards of taxpayer money and run operations better than their competitor.
Orono is home to about 8,000 people, and the town surrounds the city of Long Lake. The two cities are locked in a lawsuit and face a trial next year, as Long Lake officials accuse Orono of trying to poach their firefighters after Orono broke off to form its own department.
Some residents and business owners have also questioned the value of a new public works facility or deals that transferred Lake Minnetonka property rights to city officials. Public meetings have at times devolved into shouting, with speakers and elected leaders trading pointed words or suing each other.
The candidates
Tunheim, brother of U.S. District Judge John Tunheim, said he decided to run after hearing from people who were disgruntled with the current city leaders and noticing that no one else had signed up.
“I’m kind of looking at this as there is a need in Orono,” Bob Tunheim said. “And, how can I not step up and use my gifts to make the city a better place?”