Before Labor Day recedes further into 2016's rearview mirror, here's a tip of my hat to a labor union. Not a union of yore, the sort celebrated every Labor Day with televised documentaries featuring grainy black-and-white footage of placard-carrying workers striking to win a 40-hour week. I'm here to report the work of a here-and-now union that has just demonstrated its relevance to the millennial generation.
Thanks to the good work of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), all unionized state employees appear to be on the verge of acquiring a new benefit — six weeks of paid leave for both mothers and fathers upon the birth or adoption of a child.
The terms are spelled out in a newly negotiated mid-contract memorandum of understanding between state unions and the executive branch. If the bipartisan House-Senate joint Subcommittee on Employee Relations concurs — or if it fails to act, or casts a tie vote (a distinct possibility, since it's composed of five DFLers and five Republicans) — the new benefit will become available on an interim basis, likely in November.
The 2017 Legislature must approve for it to stick for good. And well legislators should. They should be delighted that this new benefit is the handiwork of labor and management — and not their own.
In recent years, legislators and local government officials have seen firsthand a phenomenon I consider a consequence of the shrinkage in the unionized share of Minnesota's workforce: In the absence of widespread collective bargaining, state and local governments face increasing demands to serve as the arbiters of workers' desires for and employers' resistance to better pay and benefits. Elected officials are called upon to decide questions once deemed the purview of management and labor at collective-bargaining tables — and to do so not for one workplace or industry, but for entire cities or the whole state.
Only last week, the St. Paul City Council approved a requirement that all employers in the city provide their employees with paid sick and safe leave. That move went a step further than the Minneapolis City Council did in May; its sick leave rule exempted employers of five or fewer workers. The Duluth City Council is under growing pressure to follow suit.
In the two big cities, business objections about municipal overreach and one-size-fits-all inflexibility went unheeded. But the businesses aren't toothless at the Legislature. One of the big tussles in the 2017 session is sure to be over business demands that the Minneapolis and St. Paul sick leave rules be "pre-empted" by the state. Legislators will be asked to take sides with either business or labor, making plenty of them uncomfortable.
At some point soon — if not already — I hope it dawns on employers that a unionized workforce isn't such a bad thing. Employee benefits tailored to particular circumstances, with flexibility that suits both workers and employers, are more likely to be achieved at the bargaining table than at City Hall or the State Capitol.