The House voted down two bills on Libya Friday afternoon: One authorizing U.S. forces to support NATO and the other to pull Pentagon funding for Libya.
Pair of Libya votes go down in the House
Minnesota delegation splits on two votes over the Libya mission.
By jeremyherb
The first measure served to admonish President Obama for not consulting Congress on the Libya mission, which many members of Congress have said Obama should have done under the War Powers Resolution. The White House has argued it didn't need to do so because American lives weren't at risk.
On that vote, every Republican and Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson voted against authorization, and Democrats Keith Ellison, Tim Walz and Betty McCollum supported it. The measure was rejected 123-295, with 70 Democrats in opposition.
But the second measure, which would have been a harsher rebuke of the president to withhold funding, also failed, 180-238. That vote split the Republicans, as 144 voted for it and 89 voted against. Minnesota's GOP delegation was also divided: Reps. John Kline and Chip Cravaack supported it and Reps. Erik Paulsen and Michele Bachmann opposed.
All four Minnesota Democrats voted against it.