Impassioned tribal leaders and educators here are eager to make their case for replacing deteriorating school buildings. But the most powerful argument may be in the blazing lights and nonstop activity at the Little Wound school in Kyle.

One of seven federally funded Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and one of four rated in poor condition, Little Wound opens around 7 a.m., with the cafeteria quickly filling up as students arrive early for breakfast.
The preK-12 school, with an enrollment of about 900, bustles long after the school day ends as parents cheer on the Mustangs girls' volleyball team and admiring students watch the school's 7-foot Division I basketball recruit, Nate Brown Bull, as he practices jump shots nearby.
Outside, kids shoot hoops at the crumbling elementary school playground, and skateboarders show off near the main entrance. Even as darkness descends on the prairie, more kids head toward the school than away from it. Boys' basketball coach Jay Jacobs closes the gym at 8:30, but it takes time to shoo everyone out before the lights dim.
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On a sprawling reservation known for its Third World conditions, schools like Little Wound offer a haven to some of the nation's most disadvantaged learners. The buildings where students spend most of their day should be in safe, modern learning environments that send a strong message to students: Your education is a priority. Instead, the four worn-out BIE schools here reflect the poverty around them.
After a decade in which funding for BIE school construction and improvement has declined sharply nationwide, about a third of the 23-state system's 183 schools need to be replaced. South Dakota has the third-highest number of BIE schools in poor condition, and the Pine Ridge reservation has one of the largest clusters nationally — a reality that's unlikely to change soon without stronger advocacy from the Obama administration.