Over nearly half a century, Pat Bellanger was a voice and unwavering advocate for American Indians in the Twin Cities, the United States and internationally, on issues from treaty rights to social welfare programs.
She died Thursday at Methodist Hospital of pneumonia at age 72, her daughter, Lisa Bellanger, said Friday. Her Ojibwe name was Awanakwe, pronounced "A-wanna-kway," which means "water woman."
One of the founders of the American Indian Movement (AIM) in 1968, an Indian activist organization that began in Minneapolis, she was an unassuming leader who participated in some of the seminal Indian protests of the modern era, including the takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building in Washington, D.C., in 1972, the occupation of Wounded Knee, S.D., in 1973, and last year's mass march in Minneapolis to protest the Washington Redskins' nickname.
"For years, she was the leading female spokesperson for Indian causes," said attorney Larry Leventhal, who frequently represented Indian activists. "She was known as Grandmother AIM."
Bellanger traveled the world as a founder and board member of the International Indian Treaty Council, recognized by the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization with consultative status.
"She was renown at a grass-roots level all the way to an international level for her ability to communicate the issues of indigenous people, and indigenous women as well," said Bill Means, another council founder and board member.
"From the first time she met you there was a smile and a joke. She could certainly light up a room," he added.
An Ojibwe, she grew up on the Leech Lake Indian Reservation and came to the Twin Cities, where she met other young Indian activists.