Paul Douglas, longtime WCCO weatherman and one of the Twin Cities' best-known media personalities, was released from the station Friday as part of nationwide cuts by CBS in response to dwindling ad revenue and TV viewership.
Douglas joins at least five WCCO employees, including weekend anchor John Reger, who were told their services were no longer needed as CBS reacts to a sluggish economy and stiff competition from the Internet.
"Times are tough, many people are losing their jobs and I am not exempt from this troubling trend," Douglas said in a letter e-mailed Friday to close friends. "I was the target at a time when there are systemic, long-term challenges."
At 29 stations owned and operated by CBS, more than 100 positions have been cut recently, including many high-profile, high-paying personalities such as the top female anchor at WBBM in Chicago, Diane Burns, and KPIX San Francisco mainstay Rick Quan.
Douglas' departure wasn't announced until Friday because he was out of town caring for a sick relative and is now in New York. In his letter, Douglas said no attempt was made to negotiate a lower salary. He added that his only regret is that he did not have a chance to say goodbye on the air.
Douglas has served the Twin Cities market for 22 years, starting at KARE. He took a break to work in Chicago, a decision he came to regret. He joined WCCO in 1997. In his letter, Douglas said that he's going to stay in the area.
"We are dedicated to Minnesota," he said. "Our Chicago experience proved to us that bigger is not necessarily better. Minnesota is an extraordinary place, and we are here for life."
Douglas has had success in other arenas. Last year he sold his wireless weather-information provider Digital Cyclone to Garmin Ltd., an international communications-devices corporation, for $45 million. A story on the transaction in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal ran with the headline, "World's Richest Weatherman?"