Pawlenty: Any book-cover similarity with Palin unintentional

The Minnesota governor said his book wasn't designed to look that one from the former Alaska governor

By rachelsb

August 27, 2010 at 11:57PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Any similarity between Sarah Palin's book cover and the cover of Tim Pawlenty's upcoming book wasn't purposeful, the Minnesota governor and possible 2012 presidential candidate said.

"I don't know if it looks like it or not but we certainly didn't intend it that way," Pawlenty said Friday. The Palin-enty vibe was first noticed by a Vanity Fair blogger on Tuesday but Pawlenty said no one had raised it with him.

Your hotdisher failed to ask the governor about the similarity between his subtitle, "An American story" and her subtitle, "An American Life."

Here's Vanity Fair's side by side of the two bio books:

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
about the writer

about the writer
