Internationally acclaimed photographer Alec Soth didn’t intend to create the photo book “Advice for Young Artists.” But in September 2022, when a Plymouth hotel hosting a horror convention wouldn’t let him take pictures, he photographed various goth people he had cast for the shoot in an Airbnb.
“It became kind of this party of loners,” he said. “And I had such a great time doing it.”
That experience sparked something in him. Then, when he was on a freelance assignment for the New York Times in Kentucky in January 2023, he went searching for similar loners to photograph. He couldn’t find them. So he visited an art school, and although he didn’t locate anyone, he felt that spark again. On the way back to the Twin Cities, he visited an art school in Tennessee. That’s where he found the people he realized he had to photograph: young artists.
“There’s something like, I just wanna be around these people,” said Soth, who lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two kids. “And that’s around the time where I was like, ‘Oh I’m just interested in young people and creativity more than this ‘loner party’ idea.’ ”
His new book, “Advice for Young Artists,” available now from art book publisher Mack, implies that he can help youth, but in fact they’ve helped him.
A portrait of an art student deep in thought, standing in between two canvases, a Band-Aid on his forehead, his eyes slanted down. An art student with blue-tinted hair wearing a gray grandpa cardigan, deeply focused on a charcoal drawing. Taxidermy animals in studio, forever waiting to be drawn. An art student posing for a portrait while Soth’s image appears in the mirror, obscured.
“It’s like a book of advice, and I am starting to lay out the advice, or a draft of it — I’ll put something here about accepting yourself, I’ll put something here about patience — but I haven’t done it, it’s half-assed, I can’t really do it,” he said. “It’s like notes to myself. You can hear me talking to myself.”
Soth even photobombs some of his own pictures. He keeps his face hidden (as in a nude self-portrait) or so close-up that it’s blurry. It may be a reference to some of his early self-portraits, where he poses like he wants to be seen and not seen at the same time.