Play nice, kitty

By Marty Becker

Tribune News Service
September 8, 2023 at 12:55PM

Q: We adore our 6-month-old kitten, except for one thing: She bites when playing. We have shrieked, yelled "no," scolded her and flicked her nose. How can we teach her to play without biting?

A: As you have learned, cat (and kitten) bites are painful. Beyond the pain and potential injury, cat bites can cause serious infections — within hours, even. Immediately wash them thoroughly with soap and water, and, if necessary, see your doctor for further treatment.

Kittens normally bite each other in play. If they bite too hard, they hear about it from their playmate and take things down a notch. When kittens don't stay long enough with mom and littermates or don't get early enough socialization with people, they may not learn to inhibit bites. Using hands to play with kittens can also incite a bite. Here's how to tame the teeth:

First, stop punishing your kitten. That can make biting worse, causing your kitten to escalate biting into fighting.

Watch its body language, especially the tip of the tail. If it starts to twitch, stop playing immediately, and walk away.

Don't use hands or feet in play. Keep your kitten at arms' length with wand toys that she can chase and pounce on, or toss crinkle or stuffed toys.

Avoid touching her tummy, even if she rolls onto her back. That's a defensive position, not an invitation to pet. Focus petting between the ears or beneath the chin.

If you miss the signal that she is overstimulated and she bites down, freeze. Don't screech or hit her. If you're not moving or making a sound, she'll likely let go. Walk away and let her relax before interacting with her again.

Be consistent, and she should mature into a cat with nice mouth manners.

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about the writer

Marty Becker

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