Story by Adam Belz • Photography by David Joles • Graphics by Michael Grant and Jeff Hargarten • Star TribuneDec. 28, 2016 — 12:00AM
Ethrophic Burnett escaped the South Side of Chicago, moved to Minneapolis "to have a life for my kids" — and wound up in a social experiment.
In the late 1990s, when the oldest of her children were just in elementary school, her family was one of hundreds that was moved to the Twin Cities suburbs as the result of a federal fair housing lawsuit. Her children thrived, she said. They developed new ambitions that otherwise might have seemed distant.
Then, three years ago, as her oldest daughter entered college, Burnett lost eligibility for the home she was living in and moved the family back to the poorest area of Minneapolis.
"I prayed about it, and I didn't want it. I was like, 'Nope, nope, nope,' " she said. "But my hand was being forced."
Across the United States, the likelihood that poor children will eventually rise into the middle class or beyond depends heavily on where they live. Suburbs and small towns remain beacons of opportunity for the poor, places where their poor children are more likely to grow up to earn more money than their parents.
The hardest places in the United States to overcome poverty are the nation's cities, where rich and poor live in separate worlds and where most poor and most black children live.
In Minnesota, the divide is stark.