Potential Northeast Blizzard Awaits

By AccuWeather

February 23, 2010 at 8:25PM

The winter storm impacting the Northeast today will pale in comparison to themonster that looms. The storm currently spreading snow through Texas is set torapidly strengthen as it presses into the Northeast on Thursday. An invadingshot of arctic air plunging down from the Midwest will help to fuel the storm'sintensification.Conditions will deteriorate across the entire Northeast on Thursday as thestorm moves inland. Winds will increase as rain and snow accompanying the stormbecome steadier.

The worst of the storm will blast the Northeast late Thursday into Fridaymorning. It is during this time that strong winds may cause damage over much ofthe Northeast.

The New England coast will also endure drenching rain and significant coastalflooding. An all-out blizzard may rage across the higher terrain of northernNew England, much of New York state, northern Pennsylvania and northern NewJersey. It is also possible that a period of blizzard conditions may bear downon the Interstate 95 corridor from Providence to Philadelphia.

Be sure to keep checking back with AccuWeather.com on this potential majorwinter storm. A shift in the storm's track could dramatically change theappearance of the above graphic.

Story by AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski

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