'Price is Right' contestant: I guessed Showcase to the dollar on my own

And getting the price just right -- something that never happened in the show's history -- has created an Internet buzz over how contestant Terry did it.

December 19, 2008 at 2:52PM

There's an Internet buzz surrounding a "Price is Right" contestant who guessed to the dollar the price of his showcase of gifts during Tuesday's episode. Seems that such a precise "Double Showcase" guess has never happened in the show's long history.

Contestant Terry's on-the-nose response gave him the items in his showcase as well as the showcase of his opponent, Sharon.

So, how did this happen?

Postings on message boards at golden-road.net, a website devoted to all things "The Price is Right," say one of the site's regular members was in the audience and had been shouting out pricing answers all during the show (Contestants use these shouted answers for guidance). In this case, the audience member, who calls himself "Ted" at golden-road.net, is an expert on pricing these items and has experience giving correct dollar amounts to contestants.

"Not sure if I'm welcome at Studio 33 anymore, but I'm sure I'll find out one of these days," Ted wrote on a golden-road.net message board.

A Las Vegas radio station says that it landed an interview with Terry. KQOL-FM identified him as Terry Kneiss.

In the interview, Kneiss said he added up the items on his own and got no help from shouts coming from the audience. "I have a hearing problem," he said.

He gave this advice to anyone who wishes to replicate his good fortune: "Do your homework. Watch the show, watch the show, watch the show."

Also peculiar was host Drew Carey's understated reaction to the exact guess. "You got it right on the nose," Carey said to Kneiss, then he turned immediately to reminding viewers to have their pets spayed or neutered (a nod to longtime host Bob Barker's episode-ending sign-off).

And just what did Kneiss win? His showcase (value $23,743) included a karaoke system, a pool table and a travel trailer. Sharon's showcase (value $31,019) held trips to Chicago, Alberta, Scotland and South Africa.

To view Terry and Sharon's showcase, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFUrCBXRH8o.

To hear Kneiss' radio interview, visit www.aolcdn.com/tmz_audio/121608_price_right.mp3.

Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482

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Paul Walsh


Paul Walsh is a general assignment reporter at the Minnesota Star Tribune. He wants your news tips, especially in and near Minnesota.

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