Prince gives Whitney Houston the hook

May 13, 2011 at 6:39PM

A Prince concert at the Forum in Inglewood, Calif., is just one more place Whitney Houston shouldn't be seen while enjoying the outpatient part of rehab.

According to, Prince sources say that the troubled diva has been banned from the rest of Symbolina's scheduled 21-concert stand at the Forum, located near Los Angeles.

On Wednesday, I asked someone in the Forum's security office what the contingency plan was to keep Houston out of Prince's concerts.

"It hasn't been discussed to my knowledge," said the person, who said he/she was not authorized to comment even if "informed on that plan."

According to TMZ, Houston has attended several of Prince's concerts and has not seemed in the best shape, although "our sources never saw Whitney drink alcohol or take drugs."

It's been reported that Houston is currently in outpatient rehab -- her third trip to rehab since 2004, according to media reports.

TMZ claims: "Whitney was constantly badgering Prince's staff [for tickets and] to let her up on the stage. But team Prince shot her down multiple times because [Symbolina's] people 'don't want her to embarrass herself.'"

Of course, she got on stage anyway, somehow, as can be seen at

Prince worked his way over to Houston on the raised, glyph-shaped stage. He took her by the hand and grandly, graciously pointed at the fallen diva, but it's unclear whether he's slightly amused about this pathetic bid for attention or gesturing for security to come get her.

Houston's exit was more gentle than Kim Kardashian's back in February at Madison Square Garden, when Prince told her to "get off the stage" after she refused to shake her ample behind or do the bump with him.

Worthy of extra hoursMyTalkFM107.1 listeners are getting some well-deserved extra gossip and laughs from Jason Matheson and Alexis Thompson.

Their two-year-old radio show has been expanded by one hour a day, for a total of three hours every weekday, from noon to 3 p.m. They've earned it, with the second-highest-rated show at the station.

They gained an hour that was taken away from the "Colleen & the Boys Show," which has been mercifully reduced to two hours. The latter crew doesn't need as much time, since one of the two "boys" got fired for problems associated with refusing a nice police officer who suspected there was a need for a sobriety test.

Sven and the sun bearAh, springtime, when a muscular meteorologist's fancy turns to thoughts of running around Minneapolis lakes shirtless.

"77 degrees, 63 dew point ... beautiful," wrote KARE11 meteorologist Sven Sundgaard tweeted Tuesday.

Sounds like shirtless weather to me, I e-mailed Sundgaard.

He didn't fall for it.

However, we did swap a few e-mails about how hot it already is in Alabama after I told him that my mom was at Auburn's graduation and that because of the heat, many grads accepted their diplomas, walked off stage and straight out of the stadium, skipping the recessional.

Since Sundgaard couldn't be lured into reporting his own shirtless 2011 sighting around Minneapolis lakes (my personal barometer of spring actually arriving), I'll have to use his comments from a few months ago.

They came after someone made sure I saw a Facebook photo of a shirtless Sven, eyes closed and nose-to-nose with a sun bear in Bali, Indonesia, in January -- and the bear was in the mood for a make-out session with Sven. This sun bear -- see the long claws? -- thought the meteorologist was yummy enough to lick, so the wild animal laid a swipe of his sizable tongue across Sven's mouth.

Nature Boy, what percentage of the time do you go shirtless? I asked Sundgaard then in a heretofore undisclosed e-mail.

"When I'm in the tropics I don't wear a shirt :-)" Sundgaard replied. "I don't like bundling up."

We did not print the photo of Sundgaard and his bear pal at that time, because unlike PerezHilton (to name one, although there are many others), I like to have permission instead of just plucking photos off quasi-public websites. Due to some technical glitch, Sundgaard was not able to get the photo to me in a timely fashion then, but it eventually arrived.

Based on the hostile e-mails I received from female and male readers alike telling me not to write anything that discourages Sundgaard from showing off his magnificent physique, there still might be some interest in the photo. So here it is for the 11 people who have not seen Sven shirtless and in tiny jogging shorts running around a "tropical" Twin Cities lake.

Wolf by another nameKevin Love is the new face (or should that be armpit?) of Right Guard.

"Love in the Shower" is the campaign being built around the "Best Smelling Player" in the NBA.

How did we miss this one? Right Guard is reportedly the official deodorant and body wash of the NBA, according to PR Newswire.

The Wolves have not been able to produce Love so we can learn firsthand how he passes this sniff test.

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.

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