After nearly six years of legal wrangling, parties to Prince's estate have finally agreed on its value: $156.4 million.
That's far more than the $82.3 million appraisal by the estate's administrator, Comerica Bank & Trust, but not much less than the tax collector's assessment. The Internal Revenue Service in 2020 had valued the estate at $163.2 million.
With an agreement between Comerica and the IRS — with the OK from Prince's heirs — the process of distributing the star musician's wealth could begin in February.
"It has been a long six years," L. Londell McMillan, an attorney for three of Prince's siblings said at hearing Friday in Carver County District Court.
Prince died of a fentanyl overdose in April 2016. He did not have a will.
Since then, a phalanx of lawyers and consultants have been paid tens of millions of dollars to administer his estate and come up with a plan for its distribution. Two of Prince's six sibling heirs, Alfred Jackson and John R. Nelson, have since died. Two others are in their 80s.
In the end, the estate will be almost evenly divided between a well-funded New York music company — Primary Wave — and the three oldest of the music icon's six heirs or their families.
The IRS and Comerica settled last spring on the real-estate portion of Prince's estate. But the trickier task of valuing intangible assets such as rights to Prince's music was not completed until October.