Climbing off the first tour bus to pull up to Paisley Park on Thursday morning, Chris Brown made it sound like he had just gotten off a roller-coaster ride instead.
Only a day earlier, the 24-year-old Prince fan from Chicago thought he would not get to see the late rock legend's suburban studio complex because of a late-hour vote from the Chanhassen City Council to disallow public tours pending rezoning approval.
Brown and his mom feared the tour tickets they bought over a month ago would be canceled.
"We were devastated," said Brown, who made the eight-hour drive with his mom and aunt. "So it feels even more exciting being here now."
Tours went on as scheduled Thursday, thanks to a temporary three-day reprieve by the City Council to accommodate the first round of ticket holders, estimated to be several thousand people just on Day One — most of them decked out in purple attire and bused in from a transit center 2 miles away.
As with all of the tribute events in and around Prince's hometown since his death, opening day (or: reopening day?) at Paisley Park was marked by an unsteady mix of celebration and sadness, reverence and playfulness. It's hard not have a little fun, anyway, when the tour includes many displays of his grandiose outfits and replays of his legendary music.
The tours actually started out with the most somber note of the visit. As fans walked into the skylight-warmed atrium area, a tour guide alerted them to what looks like a small-scale ceramic model of Paisley Park. It was actually a specially made urn with Prince's ashes inside.
"Take a moment," one guide told the stunned guests.