Competition is the king of the fair. Everything from pigs to pumpkins, fine art to seed art and supersized sows contend for the blue ribbon.
There's another rivalry that's been playing out at the fair for decades: Pronto Pup vs. corn dog.
Most fairgoers have a favorite. There are those who swear by the Pronto Pup, saying it's crispier. Others will eat only a corn dog, claiming it's sweeter, and maybe even bigger.
In the middle are people such as Bill Marty of Forest Lake, who asked, "What's the difference?"
The difference, said Gregg Karnis, owner of the Minnesota Pronto Pup franchise, is in the ingredients.
Yes, there's cornmeal in the crust, making it a legitimate corn dog. But there's also corn flour, as well as wheat and rice flours, which give it a more grain-forward taste. There's only a dash of sugar, unlike the sweeter corn dog crusts. And the sausages inside the savory breading are blended fresh in Wisconsin.
"It's got a more adult flavor," Karnis said. "At the corn dog stand, you see parents ordering corn dogs and then handing them to their kids. Then the parents come and get a Pronto Pup."