Statistically, Lakeville North senior lacrosse standout Quinn Power did more than enough to earn a second consecutive Star Tribune Metro Player of the Year award.
The faceoff/get-off specialist (FOGO) posted an even higher number of draws won (83%), and he increased his offensive efficiency for the defending state tournament champs.
A look beyond the numbers, however, shows Power’s willingness to sacrifice for his team and further establishes his bona fides.
A humble approach to last season’s personal and team success fueled his offseason commitment to improvement. Power ran hills, did plyometric workouts and took countless faceoff reps by himself.
”Those were tests of true character,” he said, “and they showed how hard I was willing to work.”
No man is an island, the saying goes, even though he plays on one at the faceoff X. Power reached out to club lacrosse contacts and faceoff specialists hailing from Mahtomedi (Sam Churchill) and New Prague (Peter Dias), and the trio sharpened their skills together.
Quinn Power’s statistics
Both Churchill and Dias are younger than Power, who enjoyed paying forward the work he did with Farmington’s elite FOGO Tyler Kloeckl.