Minnesota is finally seeing some narrowing in one of its stubbornly large racial disparities.
Median income for Minnesota's Black households jumped about 43% in inflation-adjusted dollars in the past five years — the most of any racial or ethnic group, according to American Community Survey data released this fall. By comparison, it increased 18% for white households from 2016 to 2021.
That's a big change from the prior five years, when incomes did not budge as much amid a slow recovery from the 2008 recession and when the racial gap actually widened.
"Certainly there's progress and we want to acknowledge that progress," said Tawanna Black, CEO of the St. Paul-based Center for Economic Inclusion.
She said the efforts of workforce training organizations and employers had an impact. Firms have been working harder to find workers amid the state's tight labor market that pre-dated the pandemic, which has re-emerged as a salient element of Minnesota's economy in the past year or two.
"That means we see more employers who are reaching out to communities they may not have had partnerships with in the past," she said.
Black median household income in Minnesota surpassed $47,700 in 2021, but a wide gulf remains with white non-Hispanic median household income at about $80,900.
Still, the gap between the two — about $33,000 — closed by a couple thousand dollars over the past five years.