Composting in Ramsey and Washington counties is going high-tech.
Residents of four cities there can now throw compost in the trash — and let artificial intelligence sort it out. Sort of.
With the counties' new Food Scraps Pickup Program, special compost bags can be thrown into garbage carts, where they're picked up by haulers, taken to the counties' waste facility and sorted using artificial intelligence and robotic arms that can pick it out.
If all of this sounds different than other curbside compost programs, that's because it is.
"We're probably one of the first communities with this size of a program to do it this way," said Sam Holl, facility manager of the Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Center.
A pilot program expanded in October to all residents of Maplewood, North St. Paul, Cottage Grove and Newport. It's expected to be available to all Ramsey and Washington county residents eventually.
Artificial intelligence and robots
Conveyor belts carry garbage up to a small room at the Recycling & Energy Centerin Newport, the facility where Ramsey and Washington county residents' trash goes. There, a machine that bridges the belt scans trash as it moves through at 73 feet per minute, using artificial intelligence to identify food scrap bags based on their color and size.

These food scrap bags aren't your run-of-the-mill compost bags. They're specifically designed to stand up to the ride on the garbage truck and the conveyor belt.