I write often about ideas for kick-starting Minnesota’s slow economic growth. Whenever I do, some readers will write me to question why we need to grow more quickly than we are.
Economic growth is the grease that makes other desirable things possible, like comprehensive social services, a clean environment and terrific schools. Minnesota outgrew most other states for decades, but for the past 20 years, it has lagged more often than led in many data comparisons.
Last year, Minnesota’s per capita economic output fell below the nation’s for the first time, a development John Phelan, economist at the Center of the American Experiment, noted first on the center’s website earlier this month.
And nearly every day, the Star Tribune writes about an effect of Minnesota’s slowing population and economic growth. Last Sunday’s front page held a story describing how so many of the state’s school districts face budget shortfalls. On the next day’s front page came news that a big Minneapolis hospital closed its special care nursery.
I wrote a column in March expressing some exasperation with state and local political leaders of both stripes doing unnecessary harm to the Minnesota economy when we should be trying to spur growth. Some readers noted that economic growth used to be the thing that united political leaders.
“When I headed development in the City of Minneapolis, an ethic of growth was beyond debate. Now, we don’t act like it’s even a priority,” Mike Christenson, who joined the city’s economic development unit in 2003 and led it from 2007 to 2011, wrote in an email to me.
Another reader, Owen Brown of Minneapolis, channeled the people who worry about the harms and damage that come with growth. Then, he landed where I usually do.
“There’s always room for restraint, but in Minnesota (and, I must admit, in the rest of the U.S.) we seem to have gone beyond the reasonable far too often,” Brown wrote me. “We need to support growth, compassionately, while understanding what’s at stake.”