Steve Brandt's Feb. 28 article ("Funds for election come up short") addressed only one of the serious shortcomings of Minneapolis' ranked-choice voting system (RCV). Brandt pointed out that Minneapolis will need $1.7 million to "properly run" the system, which costs five times more per vote than traditional voting, according to the article.
What is more important is the potential disenfranchisement the RCV system inflicts on minority and less-affluent voters. According to official Minneapolis election reports from its first RCV election in 2009, 6.4 percent of all ballots cast contained an error. Even more alarming, 27 percent of the ballots cast in the predominantly East African/Somali precinct in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood contained ballot errors.
In the Fifth Ward, an area of north Minneapolis with an African-American adult population of more than 50 percent, the voter error rate was more than 14 percent. In other predominately African-American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American voting precincts, the incidence of error was nearly 20 percent.
Yet in the most affluent areas around the chain of lakes in south Minneapolis, the ballot error rate was 2 percent. Affluent areas had a proportionally higher voter turnout and lower ballot error rates than other parts of the city. As a result, precincts with large low-income and minority populations counted less than white/affluent voting precincts. That's not a fair vote at all.
This pattern merits the full attention of legislators, City Council members, city election officials and all people concerned with voting rights.
RCV advocates are now attempting to pass state legislation to permit any city, county, school district or township to adopt RCV by referendum or by unanimous vote of their elected governing bodies. RCV advocates argue it should simply be a matter of local choice. Sounds simple? Wrong!
The claims of these proponents merit strict scrutiny and are highly suspect, based on Minneapolis' 2009 election.
Our state Supreme Court ruled that RCV was constitutional on its face, but reserved judgment as to its constitutionality "as applied." The court's decision cited seven arguments that the city of Minneapolis and FairVote, the organization promoting RCV, made to justify the decision to permit the method. Four of those arguments proved to be false, based on the 2009 election results.