Former President Barack Obama
Reaction to the verdict in the Chauvin trial

"Today, a jury in Minneapolis did the right thing. For almost a year, George Floyd's death under the knee of a police officer has reverberated around the world — inspiring murals and marches, sparking conversations in living rooms and new legislation. But a more basic question has always remained: Would justice be done? In this case, at least, we have our answer. But if we're being honest with ourselves, we know that true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial. True justice requires that we come to terms with the fact that Black Americans are treated differently, every day. It requires us to recognize that millions of our friends, family and fellow citizens live in fear that their next encounter with law enforcement could be their last. And it requires us to do the sometimes thankless, often difficult, but always necessary work of making the America we know more like the America we believe in."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
"Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. … Because of you and because of millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous for justice."
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
"I was appalled by the death of George Floyd and welcome this verdict. My thoughts tonight are with George Floyd's family and friends."
Gov. Tim Walz
"Today's verdict is an important step forward for justice in Minnesota. The trial is over, but our work has only begun. The world watched on May 25, 2020, as George Floyd died with a knee on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Thousands of Minnesotans marched in the streets last summer in the wake of his death — inspiring a movement around the globe. While many of these people never met George, they valued his humanity. They knew what happened was wrong. They called for change and they demanded justice. A year later, Derek Chauvin has been found guilty of murder and faces years behind bars. But we know that accountability in the courtroom is only the first step. No verdict can bring George back, and my heart is with his family as they continue to grieve his loss. Minnesota mourns with you and we promise the pursuit of justice for George does not end today."
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey
"George Perry Floyd Jr. came to Minneapolis to better his life. But ultimately his life will have bettered our city. Today the jury joined in a shared conviction that has animated Minneapolis for the last 11 months: They refused to look away. They believed their own eyes and affirmed George Floyd should still be here today.
This murder verdict won't change the fact that George Floyd's family has been rendered incomplete. It won't undo the damage to community, restore the potential and promise of his life or give a child her father back. But the decision marks an important step in our pursuit of racial justice in Minneapolis — one important step on a much longer journey."
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender
"Today's outcome will bring some peace for Mr. Floyd's family and our community, but we know a conviction is not enough to bring justice for George. Together, we must stay steadfast in creating a city free from police violence, where everyone is safe and where everyone can thrive."
Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis
"There are no winners in this case and we respect the jury's decision. We need the political pandering to stop and the race baiting of elected officials to stop. In addition, we need to stop the divisive comments and we all need to do better to create a Minneapolis we all love. To all the residents of Minneapolis, the POFM stands with you, and not against you. Looking forward to working together for a safer, better tomorrow."
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.
"Today's conviction was right. For the Floyd family, nothing will bring back George, but this verdict is a first step toward accountability. Attorney General Keith Ellison and his team did great work prosecuting this case, and the hometown witnesses and police officers who testified displayed such courage in reliving that horrific day and making the case for justice."
U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn.
"George Floyd's death represented yet another chapter in a long history of our nation's failure to stand up for the basic human rights of every American, particularly those of Black men. It is my sincere hope that today's verdict can one day be understood as a turning point in our nation's history — and that this decision will bring a long overdue sense of peace to George Floyd's family and friends."
U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn.
"George Floyd should be alive today. While this conviction does not return him to his family and those who loved him, it does deliver justice. We all have work to do to end systemic racism, reduce violence in our society and demand responsible, respectful policing in Minnesota and in communities across America."
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
"Today's verdict is a major step on the path toward justice and accountability. I thank our incredible Attorney General Keith Ellison and the prosecution team, who successfully prosecuted a law enforcement homicide — notoriously difficult cases to successfully prosecute — and held a murderer accountable on all charges. While [the] conviction is a necessary condition of justice, it is not sufficient. … Let this be a turning point, where we finally create a society that reflects the belief that all men and women are created equal."
U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn.
"Justice was served for George Floyd, but America's work, our work, to ensure justice, safety and opportunity for all will continue with even more intention, more fortitude and more purpose."
U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber, R-Minn.
"For the past few weeks, 12 of our fellow Minnesotans diligently listened to the evidence presented by the defense and prosecution and ... they have reached their verdict. I thank the jurors for their service. These are not easy times, and it is my greatest hope that we all now find the strength to unify our communities and move forward together."
U.S. Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn.
"Convicting Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd is a moment of accountability and also a moment to recommit ourselves to the movement for racial justice his tragic murder sparked. Millions of people took to the streets because we couldn't look away from the reality of George Floyd's murder and we could see change had to come."