I, like everyone else, remember exactly where I was 20 years ago when America was attacked by foreign terrorists. All these years later, the most surprising thing to me is that while all of the sacrifices of our military and national security professionals greatly reduced our risk of another such attack, our greatest threat is not from the outside, but from domestic extremists. Sadly, the bravery of those who prevented an attack on the U.S. Capitol on 9/11 yielded to a cowardly attack on 1/6 by right-wing extremists bent on destroying our democracy and domestic tranquillity. I think the greatest affront to the heroes of 9/11 would be turning a blind eye to the American ruffians trying to impose their will on others through violence. We cannot let domestic extremists accomplish what al-Qaida never did and never will.
Kelly Dahl, St. Louis County
The Costs of War Project at Brown University released its latest update Sept. 1. It finds:
• In our post-9/11 wars, more than 929,000 people have died due to direct war violence. Millions more have died due to indirect effects.
• Roughly 38 million people were forced from their homes.
• The U.S. federal cost of these wars is more than $8 trillion ($6 trillion budgeted, plus $2 trillion committed for veterans' long-term care).
These wars have thrown entire regions of the planet into turmoil due to violence, refugee traffic, financial instability and tightening repression.