Due to an unexpected hospital stay, last week I had five days to think and to observe my surroundings. What I saw during that time was a group of very dedicated, hardworking, helpful, friendly and caring people. Their primary goal was my health and making me feel comfortable. What I also observed was that they were from places all over the world.
Readers Write : America's melting pot; no more politics as usual; Jason Lewis; gun legislation; Stan Lee
Diverse people produced a common good, and I'm the lucky one.
Many didn't look like me or sound like me or look or sound like each other, but all had a common goal and that was the care of me. The current White House administration wants me to be afraid of people who don't look like me. I am going to be brave and ignore what they say and be thankful that these people from all over the world came together to make me healthy again.
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What happened to the caravan? Is it still the same impending "invasion" that it was a week ago? Why the silence now, instead of fear and panic?
MARK BRANDT, Minneapolis
We've heard candidates talk about working together. Great. Now do it!
My loyalty to either of our major political parties has been destroyed by their own actions or inactions over time. During the last election cycle, it was eye-opening how many people I heard talking about the need for both parties to work together for the good of the American public. Candidates on both sides of the aisle cited their claims of having worked in a bipartisan way in the past or indicated that they would do so if elected. Isn't that what we the people prefer over the intransigent polarization that we have witnessed from the parties for all too long now?
Having seen the Democrats retake control of the U.S. House, I have a word of advice to their leadership at this opportune time in history. My advice is simple: Do what you promised to do! We do not want to see endless investigations that ultimately accomplish nothing but further alienation of your constituents. Instead, focus on the issues and show us that you truly are walking away from combat politics. Let us see legislative proposals that address health care, immigration and infrastructure, just for starters. Oh, yes, toss in term limits, too, if you are truly serious about it. Do those things and you will gain 10 times more credibility than revenge politics ever could.
Oh, yes, and a word to Republicans as well: Accept efforts to work together. And to both parties — enough is enough. We expect far better from you.
MARVIN A KOSKI, Minnetonka
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Minnesotans have done it again. According to the United States Election Project, Minnesota had the highest voter turnout in the nation (64.3 percent), and we have been first in most of our national elections for the past two decades ("State's voters set midterm turnout record," Nov. 8). It is wonderful that we live in a state that works hard to make voting accessible, and that so many people believe their vote matters. Now, here's the downside. A Nov. 10 story reported that, "In Georgia, black voters see echoes of voter suppression." Georgia is far from alone, and we are not perfect.
Minnesota is one of 20 states, including Georgia, that take away the voting rights of people with felony convictions even when they are living in the community while on parole or probation. That may sound fine to some, but these individuals are our neighbors — all 52,000 of them. They work, they pay taxes, they have families. This policy of disenfranchisement has been in place since Minnesota first became a state, 10 years before black men were even allowed to vote.
Unsurprisingly, these laws continue to disproportionately impact our minority communities. Even in a state that does so much to protect and encourage voting, we can still do better. We should do better. Our state legislators have considered changing this law but have yet to act. So I encourage everyone to let their representatives know that this subject, these disenfranchised citizens, matter.
ANDREW NOBLE, Minneapolis
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I am no longer worried about Russians meddling in our elections. I am worried about some of our own election officials. When you read of the gross errors and alleged fraud in Broward County. Fla., we should all be concerned. Perhaps we will need the United Nations to intervene and supervise elections. We can all dip our thumbs in blue ink, to show that we voted.
STEVEN JOHNSON, Zumbrota, Minn.
He says John McCain is to blame for GOP losses? I don't think so
Daniel P. Moynihan is quoted as saying, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own set of facts." Today's story referring to the Wall Street Journal opinion piece by U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis makes him the poster boy for that quote ("In opinion piece, Lewis blames GOP losses on McCain"). He was soundly defeated, because his opponent, Angie Craig, stayed on point, talked to the constituents of the Second Congressional District and let his own words and action resonate with the voters.
While it may be true that the Republicans' American Health Care Act in 2017 protected pre-existing conditions and was voted down by Sen. John McCain's vote, it is certainly true that every subsequent piece of legislation and/or executive action taken since then has been to weaken the Affordable Care Act, with the culmination of the lawsuit, supported by the Trump administration, to declare ACA unconstitutional because the individual mandate no longer applied, thereby making the entire act void and removing pre-existing condition protections.
One after another, Republican candidates announced they would support coverage for pre-existing conditions, with no mention of the apparent hypocrisy contained in their lawsuit to remove them. Voters saw through that across the nation and voted them out. I'm all for sound policy, and when we get some I'll support it. In the meantime, we have to put up with a divided government, a divisive, attention-seeking president and the remaining cadre of legislators who continue to follow the Trump party line to the detriment of their constituents and the country.
2020 will tell the story.
Criminals using firearms don't care about laws
Regarding the Nov. 13 letter with gun legislation suggestions: Apparently there is something the writer does not understand. Criminals using firearms do not care about laws. Oh, gee, it's against the law to kill someone? Oh, OK, I am glad you made that a law. Problem solved.
DAN BECKER, Plymouth
Marvel's Stan Lee made so many people happy; RIP, sir
Stan Lee was the father of Marvel Comics. He was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. He had made so many people so incredibly happy. He had the power to inspire, to entertain and to connect. We will remember him always and forever. Stan Lee, RIP.