Ethanol production and use in Minnesota simply does not live up to its promise (”Ethanol movement on shakier ground,” April 7). Is it good for producers and manufacturers? Absolutely. Is it good for the environment? Definitely not. If you look at the inputs, they are all based on petroleum usage. Nitrogen, which is created using natural gas. Fuels for planting, harvesting and trucking. Petroleum-based. Pesticides. Petroleum-based.
One needs to look no further than cornfields in Minnesota. Densely packed. Heavily fertilized and sprayed with pesticides. Topsoil missing from fields because of fall tilling (bare ground) and wind erosion. This also means more nitrogen applied.
Ethanol at a much higher rate does affect performance and mileage. Yet it was priced to compete with gas. Ethanol plants themselves are larger emitters of carbon. So now industry wants to build carbon pipelines from ethanol plants to (theoretically) safely store carbon in the Dakotas. Not surprisingly U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack’s son is a big player in this pipeline plan.
Lastly, water usage. How much water does it take to produce a gallon of ethanol? How much water continues to be contaminated by nitrites? And why should we support ethanol aviation fuel when the myriad problems created are nowhere near being resolved?
Dan Wilm, Pequot Lakes, Minn.