The recent coverage of Randy Furst’s retirement from the Minnesota Star Tribune almost understated his contribution to great journalism and dogged determination to cover and uncover great stories for more than 50 years (“Furst retires from the chase he loved,” Feb. 15). As a longtime elected and public official during Furst’s epic career, I was covered many times in stories that ranged from the environment to the new jail construction to being on the wrong side of an assault at the Mall of America. A subject of Randy’s stories never had to fret about cheap shots or inaccuracies in his coverage. He was as eminently fair and balanced as a journalist could be. He also cultivated his sources over many years, sending good wishes and even holiday cards to subjects as a genuine gesture of good will but also as a way to keep sources fresh. He proved time and again that good old-fashioned shoe leather, persistence, balance and respect are hallmarks of great reporting, regardless of whatever subject or area he covered.
Mark Andrew, Minneapolis
The writer formerly served on the Democratic National Committee, as chair of the Minnesota DFL Party and as chair of the Hennepin County Board.
Where was the local coverage?
On Monday, Presidents' Day, close to 1,000 Minnesotans braved dangerous subzero temperatures on the steps of the State Capitol building to demonstrate their opposition to President Donald Trump’s policies. They carried handmade signs and endured windchills of double digits below zero. Yet, I cannot find one mention of it in the Star Tribune! Was it too cold for you to have a reporter present? When something that significant happens, the press has a duty to report it.
Cynthia Ahlgren, St. Paul