On Nov. 12, my family and I were featured in an article in the Star Tribune on the success of families who have moved to Habitat for Humanity houses in conjunction with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and Wilder Research ("In Habitat homes, families blossoming.") The article highlighted the success of Habitat for Humanity.
Boy, the response from Star Tribune readers — on Facebook and on the paper's website — was swift, fast and furious, with all of the negative and hateful comments directed toward me and my family. They questioned our American nationality and often referred to us being "immigrants." Yet my wife is a fifth-generation, native-born Minnesotan and I am a citizen of 12 years. No doubt, the reason they kept calling my wife an immigrant is because she was wearing hijab or a headscarf. One comment said, "Please take off the burqa and don't allow your husband to dictate your life and harass you And why are these immigrants getting all of this free housing while Americans are suffering?"
I don't think this awful name-calling would have happened had we had American-sounding names. We have always considered ourselves American, by any measure, and have been good citizens, paying our fair share of taxes and volunteering in our community.
But my faith as a Minnesotan is shaken. I have been calling Minnesota my home for the last 17 years, and my kids were born right here in Minneapolis. My take from the readers is that "you don't belong here in America." I hope, my fellow Minnesotans (in the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.), that one day my kids "will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Abdi Mohamed, Minneapolis.
President isn't really acting like he wants to win this war
In Tuesday's editorial ("New strategy needed in fight against ISIL"), the editors rightly stated that we are in a war against ISIL, that we must win and that the president's strategy in regards to ISIL must change. All of this is true. Yet during a news conference on Monday, President Obama said the following: "What I'm not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of 'American leadership' or 'America winning.' " In light of this, as well as Tuesday's editorial, the natural question that arises is this: Does our president wish to defeat ISIL? If not, why? If so, why isn't he acting like it?
Jonathan Schultz, Bloomington
For starters, compare migrants with the millions on tourist visas
Can we please start dealing with facts and not with mass hysteria?
Fact: Almost 10 million tourist visas were issued in 2014. Tourist visas are given with very little vetting. Yet people are totally apoplectic about 10,000 Syrian refugees who receive extensive vetting. I'd be a bit more worried about the 10 million who don't get vetted than those who get strong vetting.