Readers Write: 'One Minnesota,' abortion
Don't leave Jensen fans behind.

Now that the election is over, it's inevitable that we'll hear the victorious parties, whether red or blue, use words such as "mandate" or "clear direction" imposed upon them by those who elected them. I hope not, but history has a way of proving itself over and over. As it relates to Gov. Tim Walz's victory, before blindly plunging forward with blue proposals and legislation, maybe he should first focus on the state of our state. One good example would be taking a hard look at the color-coded Minnesota state map on page A12 of Thursday's Star Tribune.
Governor, with all due respect, you have a problem you need to focus on as you contemplate moving forward: the predominantly blue metro vs. the red outstate. Maybe ask yourself, "Where's the disconnect?" Because there was no "mandate" on Tuesday.
John T. Peterson, Waverly, Minn.
Days post midterms and I'm sure the machines are already being oiled for 2024. A word to PACs and campaign committees on all sides: It is only 50 steps from my mailbox to the recycling bin in the garage. That's all it takes for me to purge our mail of the campaign postcards that promote fearmongering, misinformation, election denial and the most unflattering and probably doctored photos of opponents. I welcome those that simply state what your candidate is for and some information about what that candidate will do to work toward the common good.
Likewise with TV ads. The mute button gets a lot of use in this house. We laugh at the use of dire-sounding music for opponents and sunshine music for your candidate. Similarly, the worst photo one could find goes with the dark musical sounds while the beautiful family photo goes with the lighter music. Your formulas are laughable melodramas. While $25 million spent on one Minnesota campaign may be spent to help some ideology or another get their way with Congress or the Minnesota Legislature, the expenditure tells me that we don't have shared values. That type of spending on garbage campaign literature is just obscene and repulsive to me. The country and our state have real-life problems to tackle and solve, and we must work in a bipartisan basis to represent everyone. Please change your strategies!
Betsy Vanselow, Champlin
Jensen's concession speech was wise. In it, he advised Minnesota Republicans: "We need to stop, we need to recalibrate, we need to ask ourselves, 'OK, what can we learn from this? What can we do better? How do we go forward?'" As a lifelong Democrat, but a squishy one, I put a good-faith effort into trying to figure out what a recalibrated but authentically Republican agenda could be that could arrest their years — approaching decades — of statewide futility.
First, no more cranks. Jensen's concession speech may have been wise but nominating him was not. It is enough to note he compared short-lived emergency measures with the Holocaust. If people think you're unhinged, it doesn't really matter what else you say.
Then come up with a conservative version of a state people might actually want to live in. If you want to cut taxes, start with a child tax credit that helps the working class first. Make services cheaper by eliminating occupational licensing where it isn't necessary. Fund extra street patrols for cities that want them. Make housing affordable by reforming zoning laws. Actually evaluate programs, and reform or replace the ones that don't work. And stop trying to mess around in people's personal lives.
Or keep running cranks, and expect to lose.
Aaron Berger, Minneapolis
Congratulations, Minnesota Democrats, on winning statewide offices and both houses. It means that, as we move forward, the values that are most important to me will be in clear focus: rights of all people regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation; action on climate change and gun violence; academic integrity and diverse library offerings; protection of voting rights; and the ability of a woman to continue or halt a pregnancy in accordance with her needs and beliefs. Republican politicians have proven by their voting record that their party does not support these values.
However, this is no time to coast. We must do better to address the huge divide between urban and rural areas. Our priorities must include protection of family farms and small businesses, availability of medical resources and statewide infrastructure. Proposals that in and of themselves address a valid need for some must be examined for unintended effects on others. For example, if we curtail certain coal and mining operations in the interest of the environment, what can be put in place to support those who lose jobs because of this action?
Walz is right. We need "One Minnesota." And while Dems are in charge, it is up to us.
Carol McNamara, Minneapolis
A Nov. 10 letter writer's frustration with this election seems misguided. He laments that "Once again we see the metro area making the decisions for the entire state which clearly disagrees. Disgusting!" That is not how voting for statewide office works. It's one person, one vote, no matter where in Minnesota you live. There is no "metro area" voting bloc. Each individual got to have his or her say, no matter their area of residence.
Clare Sanford, Golden Valley
Yes to easily entering clinics
Regarding "Council to shield abortion clinics" (Nov. 10):
Abortion is health care. The Minneapolis City Council should absolutely pass the proposal making it illegal to obstruct the entrances and driveways of abortion clinics. We women should feel safe in the world we live in. When protesters are telling you all the things you're doing wrong with your own body, it is a suffocating feeling. We should have the right to do what we want with our bodies without the judgment of others.
The protesters outside of Planned Parenthood are so intrusive on personal space as well as personal information. Protesting is one thing, but obstructing the entrance and causing safety hazards are disrespectful. This is why it is so important that this proposal is passed.
It's as simple as this: If you don't agree with abortion, don't get one. The process of getting an abortion is so hard on a woman's body — most women have abortions because it's their only and or last option. That being said, it doesn't matter why you have an abortion. It is health care, and it is nobody's business but the woman's.
Both Mayor Jacob Frey and Mayor Melvin Carter do not agree with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I am hopeful that they use their power to maintain access to abortion in the Twin Cities.
Stella Anderson, St. Paul
There is one subject glaringly absent from the discussion about exceptions to abortion legislation: the case of fetal abnormalities.
My wife and I have three children. Between our first and second children, we had a son born 30 days premature. He suffered from a severe genetic abnormality called trisomy 13. Had he lived, he would never been a sentient human being. He would not have known who he was or who we were. He would never been potty trained or know how to feed or care for himself.
I would like to know by what right doctrinaire Christians and their political allies tell me and my wife that we have to give birth to such a child.
During our next two pregnancies my wife had an amniocentesis. It was not done to determine the sex of the child.
Know that an amniocentesis cannot accurately be done within 15 weeks of conception. Why should this not be an exception to anti-abortion legislation?
Jeffrey George, Maple Grove
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