There is a shocking lack of official, critical and specific information surrounding the horrific killing of Andrew Tekle Sundberg ("911 call paints standoff scene," July 19). Simply saying it's an outcome no one wanted is shamefully insufficient.
After a standoff of six hours, someone must have concluded that the situation, always dangerous and threatening, had shifted to one that required an immediate shoot-to-kill order. Days after his death, I have yet to hear or read whose life was endangered and who decided at 4:30 a.m. the circumstances required deadly intervention.
One hopes that this critical information will be widely available soon. Without this, it's hard not to conclude, as the activist Lavish Mack did: that if Sundberg "was a white person he wouldn't have been killed … ."
David Flannery, Minneapolis
Sundberg's parents said that their son struggled with his mental health. If so, were they aware he had a gun? Where is the accountability of those in this vulnerable young man's life to keep him safe from the harm that could come to him by having a weapon? Things have gone very, very wrong by the time someone starts shooting through walls in an apartment. Lives were seriously threatened by a man who suffered from mental illness yet somehow had a gun. This could easily have been the scene of multiple wounded and murdered victims because someone who was known to suffer from mental illness was able to have a firearm in his possession.