Regarding the withdrawn proposal to remove a statue of William Penn in Philadelphia (Nation+World, Jan. 10):
One has to wonder whether the hustle to remove statues honoring leaders of the past with records of time-stained prejudices is motivated primarily for the making of room to honor leaders whose prejudices are currently more popular. What we all know, however, is that it's done to perform mere obeisance to the generations of American citizens who have been subjugated and brutalized by our nation's prejudices. There are better ways to achieve reparation.
Ruth Wood, River Falls, Wis.
Lincoln was a politician
Regarding D.J. Tice's Jan. 10 commentary "Dogmas of the stormy present confuse Civil War debate," in which Tice cites Abraham Lincoln's expressed willingness to allow slavery in the South if it would keep the union intact:
Lincoln is regarded, rightly so, as our greatest president. He was also, in that capacity, a shrewd politician as all must be. Why wouldn't his writings and speeches on slavery and states rights be, in large part, what politicians do: give themselves some wiggle room, send out feelers to gauge public opinion, leave the door open for negotiations, etc.? That he ultimately issued the Emancipation Proclamation should be the focus, not the politicking that preceded this hallmark event.
Joseph Tilli, Wayzata