Those chortling about turning Minnesota red in 2020 are omitting a few pertinent facts ("Trump rallies fans amid protests in Mpls.," front page, Oct. 11). And these are indisputable facts.
Readers write: Trump's Minneapolis rally and Native American representation
Trump predicts a "red wave" in Minnesota, but I don't see it.

1. No Republican has won a Senate election in over a decade. Yes, there are places in the state that are extremely red, but the state as a whole remains blue.
2. Yes, our current president came close to winning in 2016. But everyone seems to forget 2018. It happened. Without exception, Democrats won statewide races (governor, secretary of state, state auditor and attorney general) by wide margins. And while Trump's name was not on the ballot, certainly voters knew whom he supported.
3. Much was made of Republicans turning the First and Eighth Districts red. Both districts had previously been in Republican hands within the last decade. Much less was made of Democrats winning in the second (former Rep. John Kline's old district) or the third, which hadn't been represented by a Democrat in 57 years.
4. There has not been much polling so far in Minnesota regarding the 2020 race, but the one credible poll from Morning Consult has President Donald Trump's approval rating at minus 11. That may not be insurmountable, but it's certainly not cause for brazen optimism.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen. Anything is possible, and Democrats surely should not get overconfident and need to show up at the polls. But are there signs of a red wave? Sorry, I just don't see it.
David Frederick, Coon Rapids
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I feel depressed reading about Trump rallies, like the one in Minneapolis on Thursday. After hearing what he has to say, I feel like I need to take a shower to wash away the rhetorical dirt. I wonder why the folks who attend these events support him and cheer him on.
I have read and listened to innumerable articles and pundits explaining support for Trump — and it still makes no sense to me. I hear about displaced workers, the poor rural economy, people who resent immigrants, etc., etc., etc. I don't understand how their grievances or desires translate into support for Trump.
I am not talking about Trump's policy agenda, to the extent he has one. I disagree with almost all of his policy actions, but that has been true with other presidents and I haven't felt that those individuals were evil and threatened the foundations of our republic.
Trump lies endlessly and shamelessly. He rants, he boasts, he bullies constantly. He puts down anyone who criticizes him. And his supporters cheer. He has little knowledge of or respect for the Constitution, the law, history or tradition. And his supporters don't care. His only apparent guiding "principles" in making decisions are what feeds his ego and what he believes will advance his political power. And his supporters agree.
Trump supporters, do you behave like him or know someone who behaves like him? I don't — thankfully. Would you like Trump to be your boss, a colleague or a friend? I hope not. And if not, why do want him to be our president?
Eric Forsberg, Golden Valley
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What was most notable in Trump's rally at Target Center was the peaceful and spirited Trump supporters who sang "God Bless America" while standing in long lines and that they were far greater in numbers than the Democratic Party supporters who called our police officers "pigs" and who incited violence.
The 2020 election could not be more clear. President Trump and his supporters want to continue the strong economic policies that build America up, while Democrats want to bash America and continue their unfounded witch hunts that tear America down.
Corby Pelto, Minneapolis
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First of all, it seems like a conflict of interest for Minneapolis police officers to publicly endorse any political party or candidate with their T-shirts (" 'Cops for Trump' T-shirts defy uniform ban at political events," Oct. 7). They may have personal preferences, which is fine, but when they are called out to help someone, the public has to have confidence that they will respond equally for a supporter of Sen. Elizabeth Warren as well as a supporter of Trump. This was not demonstrated with some officers' endorsement of the president.
Second, I find it appalling that the police union would endorse a president who has worked to weaken labor law. Recent Supreme Court decisions about public sector unions and the trashing of the National Labor Relations Board are a few examples.
Third, the MPD has a reputation of being heavy-handed and unprofessional. Whether this is deserved or not, the reputation is out there. This endorsement of a politician who openly flouts the law only enhances this reputation.
Fourth, Minneapolis has a sizable minority population that feels that they are under attack by our president. These officers have alienated this population and made it harder to properly serve them.
I visit Minneapolis often, visiting friends and restaurants. I do not have as much confidence in the MPD as in the departments of other cities.
Jerry Johnson, Inver Grove Heights
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I consider myself to be independent politically. I left work early to attend the Trump rally Thursday and made a point before and after to stand amid the many protesters outside to listen and observe.
I support the rights of citizens to protest. However, what I witnessed was not protesting, but an endless stream of hate and rage toward the president, as well as harassment and intimidation of people simply making their way to the rally. Trump supporters who dared to challenge the protesters' rhetoric were called names, had whistles blown in their faces and were nearly physically accosted. The perpetrators ranged in age from young to old.
The lack of condemnation of this vile behavior by Democratic Party leadership is disturbing.
Jason Freese, Richfield
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Thank you to the thousands of beautiful, peaceful Minnesotans who showed up to the Trump protest on Thursday night. Thank you for being there despite the rain, the difficulty in getting there, and the fear of anarchist violence. Thank you to the woman with a walker, to the young woman on crutches, to the veteran who appeared to have difficulty standing but was there holding his sign, to the families who brought their children and to all else who felt it important enough to be there, regardless of difficulty, to speak out against this horrible president. Evil can only exist if good people do nothing.
Teri Bloch, Fridley
Meanwhile, something inspirational
Lost in the fray of President Donald Trump's visit to Minneapolis was the presence of two other politicians from our nation's capital. U.S. Reps. Deb Haaland of New Mexico and Sharice Davids of Kansas were in town Thursday, and they made a stop at Anishinabe Academy, an American Indian magnet school in south Minneapolis. Haaland and Davids are the first two Native American women elected to Congress. They were joined by Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, who is White Earth Ojibwe.
These women warriors spread a message of inspiration and love to our students, who have rarely if ever seen anyone like themselves in positions of power. This was significant for our local American Indian community, who despite being repressed and neglected over the years, remains as resilient as ever. Young indigenous children will continue to grow, find their voice, and demand that it be heard. Thankfully they have such positive and inspiring examples to follow in Reps. Davids and Haaland and Lt. Gov. Flanagan.