This is a letter of praise and nostalgia contrary, I’m sure, to many letters submitted these days. We were in Wayzata Friday evening in search of ice cream, hoping to gaze at the water. Hadn’t been for a couple years and were amazed at the transformation of the waterfront. The added seating, the long boardwalk running all the way to the boatworks, the splash plaza — and the people; I had never seen it this busy. Wonderful. Kudos to whoever planned that reconstruction.
Sitting there that evening, I recalled the early days when Wayzata was a sleepy rural village. (I lived a couple miles west as a teen in the early 1960s.) There was still the Meyer Bros. creamery and a Pure gasoline station right on Main Street. As a teen, I would take my girlfriend to the movie theater there and then, if there was time before it closed, to the Apothecary for a treat. We would stumble across the tracks in the dark and sit on the rocks by the water and look for the submarines. The solitude, the calm, the star-spangled sky (breathtaking in its thousands of lights) were not lost on this callow youth.
So Wayzata isn’t what it used to be, busy and no stars. Neither am I. I’m much happier today sitting on a park bench rather than on those rather rough stones. But it’s still a favorite place to hang out with my bride of 50 years, recalling those halcyon days.
Harald Eriksen, Brooklyn Park
Lacking specifics on what’s working
Hamline University’s Prof. David Schultz correctly chastises the state of Minnesota for ranking 49th out of 50 states regarding education racial inequality (”Minnesota is an educational leader in racial inequality,” Opinion Exchange, June 17). The survey used to assess our dismal performance — and one that has been dismal for 25 years — is from something called WalletHub. Unless there are two companies with the same exact name, WalletHub is a personal finance institution. How a company like this is qualified to address racial inequality escapes me, but let’s say it does have a subdivision populated by knowledgeable experts. What parameters are used to assess? How many parameters are there? When was the last time the survey was done so there is some basis for comparison? I’d even be curious as to which state was No. 1. If we are going to change educational policies for the better, let us know as precisely as possible where we are failing. Just a few more sentences in the opinion piece could have informed everyone a lot more.
Paul Waytz, Minneapolis