Three Sun Country fleet employees have claimed the airline fired them in retaliation for their support of a union approved in January.
Sly Oliver, who had worked as a ramp agent for 15 months, said Sun Country terminated him in January as a "scare tactic" meant to make him an example for his active union support.
Sun Country, though, denied the allegations.
"While Sun Country does not comment on specific personnel matters, we want to be clear that we do not, and have not, fired employees for forming or supporting the formation of a union," said a spokeswoman for the growing Minneapolis-based leisure carrier in a statement.
Angel Cantu, an international representative for the Teamsters airline division, said the union, which doesn't yet have a contract with Sun Country, is exploring options for the employees he said were "very instrumental in helping organize that group to get better benefits, better pay and better work rules."
"It's just interesting they were the ones terminated at this point," Cantu said.
The fleet employees voted 46-32 in favor of forming a union, announced Jan. 3. Ballots went out in November to 205 eligible workers, including ramp agents and workers who load and unload planes. A simple majority of the returned ballots needed to vote yes for union approval.
Oliver, 42, said he was fired Jan. 21 after he escorted a Teamsters official around Sun Country's airport workspaces during his time off. Oliver said managers told him he was let go because he had brought an unauthorized person on the tarmac. However, Oliver said he had obtained an escort badge from airport police.