St. Louis County Commissioner Pete Stauber, the Republican candidate for Congress in the Eighth Congressional District, communicated with a key GOP group in Washington using his government e-mail address, according to a review of county records.
The e-mail traffic would appear to be in violation of a St. Louis County policy, which states "elected officials will not use St. Louis County equipment in support of their own campaigns for re-election, other candidates for public office, or political organizations."
Stauber, a retired Duluth police officer, is locked in a tight race with Joe Radinovich, a former DFL state lawmaker, to fill an open seat being vacated by Democratic U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan, who is retiring.
The Eighth District, which President Donald Trump won by more than 15 percentage points, is considered one of Republicans' best shots at flipping a Democratic seat in the entire country, and control of the U.S. House of Representatives could turn on the race.
The Stauber campaign declined to make him available or provide access to the e-mails, which were sent to and from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). In a statement, the campaign said Stauber "continues to be laser-focused on visiting with Minnesotans in the Eighth District and listening to their concerns, not getting distracted by desperate smears from the left."
St. Louis County responded to a Star Tribune public records request by confirming that there were 15 e-mails to or from the NRCC. "All of which were correspondence between individuals and an elected official," according to James R. Gottschald, human resources director for the county.
The county declined to provide the e-mails, citing a Minnesota statute that makes correspondence between private individuals and elected officials private. Gottschald released a statement Thursday afternoon stating that the county "proactively reviewed the emails through the lens of our Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Policy and were satisfied that no investigation or further review was warranted."
The law also states that the correspondence may be made public by either the sender or the recipient. Stauber declined to do so. The NRCC did not respond to a request to do so.