Q I'm renting a house and planning to move out in the fall. I don't see in my contract anything that says how many months' notice I have to give. What is the norm -- two months? How do I word my letter?
A It's common to give two months' notice. The more notice you can give, the better for the landlord, which often can smooth the relationship. If your lease says nothing about a time frame, one month's notice is the minimum.
Remember, the notice has to be given before the end of the month. For example, give your notice by the end of September for a departure at the end of November, not the beginning of October.
If you are mailing your notice, do it at least three business days before the end of the month. There is no required language for such a letter. Most people simply state that they are moving out on a certain date and that they are providing notice of their intent to move from the apartment pursuant to their lease.
Make a copy of the letter to keep with your records.
Illness raises issuesQ My mother and her husband are sharing an apartment, and they both signed the lease. The lease runs through June 1. My mother is terminally ill and will be in a nursing home for the rest of her life and their lease.
Because she will no longer be able to live in the apartment, is there any legal way to get her name off the lease? Can the landlord hold the estate or the person who holds power of attorney liable for the remaining balance if she dies before the lease ends?
A Sorry to hear about your mother. Unfortunately, Minnesota Statute 504B.265 only permits termination of the lease upon the death of all the tenants. If one tenant dies, that tenant's obligations may be terminated after 60 days' notice to the landlord (or one month's notice if the lease is month-to-month). The other tenant still is obligated to pay the entire rent and cannot terminate his or her duties in the lease unless the lease otherwise permits.