WASHINGTON – Rep. Rick Nolan is supporting the Iran nuclear deal.
Confirming his position to the Star Tribune over the weekend, the Eighth Congressional District Democrat says he has spent "countless hours" in classified briefings and poring over documents in reaching his decision.
"I have concluded that this agreement will reduce Iran's ability to develop a nuclear weapon; that's what this is all about," Nolan said in an interview between events in northern Minnesota. "I've talked with a number of people … what is the likely outcome of failure, what is the likely response from Iran. I'm convinced the consequences are severe and dramatic. I'm convinced there is not a better deal."
Nolan is the latest member of the Minnesota delegation to take a stand on the deal, which Congress will vote on next month. Members are away from Washington this month for Congressional recess.
Democratic Sens. Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar said they support the deal. Democratic Reps. Keith Ellison, Betty McCollum and Tim Walz say they stand behind President Obama, who has said the alternative is likely war. GOP Reps. John Kline, Tom Emmer and Erik Paulsen say they are skeptical and likely to vote against it.
The last Minnesota politician undecided on the deal is Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson, who often votes with Republicans. For him, this meant the other day, while he was back in his Seventh Congressional District talking to constituents and monitoring his quickly advancing corn harvest, he got a call from the Israeli prime minister voicing concerns.
He says he has not heard from the White House.
"People have two different views on what it means. I think it's smart to wait until all the dust settles, until we get all the information about what's really going on here," he said. "I'm keeping my powder dry and listening."