Republican leaders oppose new social studies standards

GOP House leaders called on Gov. Dayton to reject social studies standards proposed by the state Department of Education

December 20, 2012 at 11:24PM

GOP leaders of the Minnesota House say new proposed social studies academic standards de-emphasize American successes and American patriotism and should be rejected by Gov. Mark Dayton.

"Among the several deficiencies in these proposed standards is the overall de-emphasis on the contributions of the United States and our economic and political ideals," said a letter from Rep. Kurt Daudt, R-Crown, the incoming House Minority Leader, and Rep. Kelby Woodard, R-Belle Plaine, who will be the party's lead on the Education Finance Committee.

The leaders asked Dayton to veto the proposed standards, adding, "We do not believe these reflect what Minnesotans expect our students to learn and comprehend in the subject areas of history, government and economics."

Dayton spokeswoman Katharine Tinucci said it is important to the governor that the standards were developed by and for social studies teachers. "The big question is if social studies teachers support the recommendations -- and they do," she said.

A spokesman for the Department of Education said an administrative law judge heard testimony on the proposed standards Thursday and will allow for both sides to submit critiques and defenses before the judge makes a decision. Dayton will have a final opportunity to review the standards before they take effect.

Daudt's letter said "there is no mention of Osama Bin Laden, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, the global war on terrorism, or even the events of Sept. 11, 2001."

According to the website, the current standards, written in 2004, remain in effect until new standards are approved.

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