Cold Spring, Minn., resident Andrea Robinson has complained for months about the harassment her family has endured from classmates and neighbors because her husband and some of her children are Black.
It took a stolen car crashing into their house on Saturday to finally catch the attention of city officials.
"I'm embarrassed to say I had absolutely no idea that any of this was happening to that family," said Gary Theisen, Cold Spring City Council member. "We have got to do something."
This spring, Robinson spoke at school board meetings — demanding change in the district of about 2,300 students from the Stearns County cities of Rockville, Cold Spring and Richmond. Robinson said since she spoke out about racism in the community, her family has been increasingly harassed.
Richmond resident Benton L. Beyer, 32, was arrested Saturday morning after an unoccupied car slammed into Robinson's house. He faces three felony counts for allegedly placing a large piece of granite on the accelerator of a stolen vehicle so it would crash into the house. On Monday, he was charged in Stearns County District Court with one felony count of theft, one felony count of stalking, one felony count of first-degree property damage and one gross misdemeanor count of violating a restraining order.
The restraining order was issued in May. A recent investigation revealed 18 calls in the past two months regarding Beyer stalking and harassing Robinson, according to court documents. Beyer was also arrested on July 15 for violating the restraining order; he was released four days later.
Dozens of people — some Cold Spring residents and some advocates from central Minnesota or the Twin Cities — gathered in the council chambers Tuesday to demand the council denounce racism and take meaningful action after the Black family has been the repeated target of harassment.
Some speakers warned if they don't take action, those who are hateful will only be emboldened. Pictures and video Robinson posted to Facebook show inside the vehicle, where a little brown stuffed bear swung from string tied like a noose.