A demolition crew started removing the charred metal and broken equipment at the Husky Energy oil refinery in Superior, Wis., a key first step to reopening the facility after an explosion and fire there nearly one year ago.
But what many local residents want to know is whether work will include removing tanks of hydrofluoric acid, a highly toxic chemical that prompted a large-scale evacuation of the city as the plant burned.
For now, Husky isn't saying. A company spokesman last week said rebuilding plans are still coming together, and that the plant won't fully reopen until next year.

A recent phone survey of 1,595 Superior residents found 37 percent in favor of a hydrofluoric acid ban for the city, while 35 percent said they were unsure and 27 percent said a ban isn't necessary. The survey, by the Twin Ports Action Alliance, was the first such effort to poll local residents about the refinery's use of the chemical.
Hydrofluoric acid, which is hydrogen fluoride dissolved in water, is used in the refining process.
A worst-case scenario report on file with the Environmental Protection Agency says some 180,000 people, essentially the entire Twin Ports population, could be at risk if a fully loaded tank of hydrofluoric acid at the refinery emptied in 10 minutes or less.
The chemical causes burns and can kill. The United Steelworkers union, which represents workers at some refineries, has urged companies nationwide to stop using the chemical.
Alliance co-founder Ginger Juel said the poll showed strong support for her group's position that Superior make demands of the oil company to rebuild the plant using an alternative. She said she's doubtful Husky Energy officials will listen, however.