A total of 83 people, including former Cincinnati Bengals star CrisCollinsworth, had to be rescued from a restaurant that floated down the floodedOhio River Friday night.Ruby's Waterfront restaurant drifted up to 100 yards on the Ohio River shortlyafter 10 p.m. EST Friday, according to the Associated Press.
The restaurant, located along the waterfront opposite the city of Cincinnati,normally serves patrons as it floats on the OhioWeather HeadlinesSat, 12 Mar 2011 15:18:12 ESTIWS0Sat, 12 Mar 2011 15:16:27 ESTNeeded, But Brief Dry Spell Headed to the NortheastThe Northeast will welcome widespread dry weather Monday and Tuesday as an areaof high pressure settles southward.The high will replace the weak storm system that will keep producing generallyspotty rain and snow showers over the region into Sunday.
The lack of rain will give flood waters an opportunity to run their coursethrough the region's swollen waterways. In addition, cool temperatures onMonday will limit existing snow from melting rapidly.
Snow will begin to melt at a greater pace on Tuesday as milder air surgesnorthward, boosting temperatures to 50 degrees as far north as the New Yorkcities of Syracuse and Poughkeepsie.
Fortunately, Tuesday's milder air will not be accompanied by wet weather. Itwill take until Wednesday for a new storm system to arrive and return rain,likely moderate amounts, to the Northeast.
Story by AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski