A total of 83 people, including former Cincinnati Bengals star CrisCollinsworth, had to be rescued from a restaurant that floated down the floodedOhio River Friday night.Ruby's Waterfront restaurant drifted up to 100 yards on the Ohio River shortlyafter 10 p.m. EST Friday, according to the Associated Press.
The restaurant, located along the waterfront opposite the city of Cincinnati,normally serves patrons as it floats on the Ohio River, but in a more securemanner than on Friday night.
The restaurant failed to travel any farther downstream since its rear anchorline remained attached and because the restaurant became wedged up against theClay Wade Bailey Bridge, one of the many bridges that connect Kentucky withCincinnati.
Firefighters used a makeshift bridge of ladders to rescue the 83 people aboardthe restaurant, including former Bengals wide receiver and NBC pro footballcommentator, Cris Collinsworth.

The above graphic, courtesy of NOAA's Advanced Hydrologic PredictionService, displays the stage of the Ohio River at Cincinnati as of earlySaturday afternoon.When the restaurant began to drift downstream, a nearby gage indicated thatthe level of the Ohio River was 55.21 feet. Flood stage at this location is52.0 feet.
Moderate flood stage is 56.0 feet, which the Ohio River at Cincinnati isexpected to reach within the next couple of days.
Like many rivers across the mid-Atlantic and Northeast, recent rounds of heavyrain contributed to the rise of the Ohio River.
Story by AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski